Thursday, March 6, 2008

Feel Younger - By Choice

How do we keep ourselves young, or at least slow down the aging process. There is a multitude of nutritional supplements available to us, to slow down the process, and possibly reverse some adverse conditions that come with age. I will talk about some of them her. If you have a medical condition (diabetes, heart disease, etc. ), check with your health care professional, before beginning a new program of supplements of exercise.

RNA and DNA are the building blocks of life. Over the long haul, damage may have occurred in our body. Replacing RNA and DNA can be helpful in rebuilding damaged tissue and cells. Oral and sublingual forms are available. The sublingual spray has been shown to be absorbed up to 90% by this method, whereas, as little as 3% of the oral has shown to be absorbed.

DHEA is a chemical that is abundant in our systems,when we are young. After the age of 30 the production of this substance drastically drops. Taking DHEA has been shown to help boost the immune system efficiency. It also is helpful in diabetes.

Hyaluronic Acid is another chemical which diminishes as we get older. It is abundant in our eyeballs. It aids in cushioning our joints. And, hyaluronic acid helps keep the skin young and pliable.

Antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, co-enzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, beta carotene, folic acid, zinc, and selenium, are powerful agents in keeping our body healthy. Herbs, such as, green tea extract, milk thistle, bromelain, cranberry powder extract,rosemary extract, grapeseed extract, gingko bilabo, ginger root, hawthorn berry, bilberry, zeaxanthin, lutein,also aid in the anti-aging process.

Attitude has much to do with aging faster or slower. Socialize with people who think younger. Do not let other drag you down. Feel and experience the good things in your life. Really, feel them in your soul and spirit. Do not let them pass you by. God has put them there, just for you.

exercise is important to keeping the body vital and young. Do not restrict yourself to one type of exercise. Variety is better. Walking or jogging is good for your cardiovascular system. weight training helps make your body structure strong ( the skeletal system and muscular system and your core ). stretching increases your flexibility. yoga,tai Chi, and other of this type of exercise, increases your flexibility and strengthens your core. All of these done in moderation can help keep the aches and pains associated with aging at bay.

Relax. This is very important. learn to relax. learn to meditate, to block out the nuisances of the outside world. meditation does not have to be done in the seated lotus position. Just relax in your favorite chair and think about nothing. A massage chair may be a good investment. This will allow you to relax and the massage action will stimulate blood flow at the same time.

Enjoy your years, Enjoy your time. Look your best. Feel your best. Life is an experience to be experienced and cherished.

Written by John Markus at John had been a pharmacist for 33 years. His wife has type I diabetes. Also, his eight year old granddaughter has diabetes. He and his family have been dealing with these type of problems for a long time. Tough at times, but successfully in end. John has also studied exercise and nutrition, and their effects on the body and medical conditions for 30 plus years.

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