Monday, March 3, 2008

Wireless Networking Basics

wireless networking is simple in theory: just install a wireless network adapter in each computer and forget about drilling holes and running cable. When you deal with equipment based on the 802.11b (or Wi-Fi) standard, unfortunately, the reality often falls short of claimed specifications. Your wireless network will have a limited range - you've probably experienced a decrease in speed at a certain distance from an access point. That's why you must adjust the location and configuration of your wireless setup to obtain the best possible performance, range, and reliability. Follow expert advice and your connection will be faster across longer distances--and you'll have fewer dropped connections.

Pick the best location: The farther your wireless networked computer is from a wireless access point--and the greater the number of solid objects that stand in the way--the slower your connection will be. To optimize your network's speed and range, position your wireless access point at least a few feet above the floor and away from metal objects, particularly large appliances like refrigerators. Though most manuals for networking products tell you to position the access point in the middle of the coverage area, it's often better to identify the locations where you expect to use a computer and put the access point where it will be in a direct line of sight (or close to it) to as many of those places as possible.

Don't waste time worrying about "dead spots" if no one is likely to use a computer there. Once your wireless network is up and running, even slight changes in your wireless network card's position (say, a shift in the orientation of your laptop as you recline on the couch) may dramatically improve throughput or even restore a dropped connection.

For larger areas--or areas with many obstructions--your only option may be to shell out the cash for multiple access points. If you go this route, you'll find that wireless setup is easy: Simply make sure that the access points have identical settings. Virtually all wireless network adapters support "roaming": In areas where access point coverage overlaps, the adapter will latch on to the strongest signal.

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Golf - How To Practice

If you want to practice golf then you should do so correctly. Only go to the range if you have a specific purpose in mind.

I see far too many people at driving ranges with a bucket of 100 balls which they whip through in half an hour - or worse 15 minutes. If you play a round of golf and are a really good golfer (scratch) you will play 72 shots in about 4 hours and 15 minutes. So why do people whack 100 balls in 15 minutes and call that practise?

Firstly I think a hundred balls is far too much for the average golfer (remember the average golfer's handicap is over 18) per practice session. Let me explain.

When practising you should have something specific in mind. Whether that is to learn to draw the ball with a driver, practice chips, hit long or medium irons working the ball or whatever it is you should be there with a specific goal in mind.

Before you even start practising wear the right gear. By that I mean wear the same clothes you would if you were actually playing golf. put on a golf shirt, golf trousers and golf shoes. Use a glove if you play with one. Do not get to the range from the office and hit balls in your work lounge shirt and work shoes.

To start off your practice session do some stretching. Ninety nine percent of people don't bother with this at all. They are on their way home from the office and expect their muscles to perform after sitting behind a desk all day. These same people probably warm up their motor vehicle before leaving for the office but don't give their muscles the same courtesy. How can we expect good results? In fact I've seen people injure themselves because of this bad practice.

OK so now you're correctly attired, you have stretched and resisted the temptation to buy 100 balls, having settled for 50. You have also allowed yourself enough time to do things properly and slowly. With 50 balls I would suggest between 45 minutes to an hour.

Before you hit the first ball go over in your mind what you plan to do and then let your muscles know. The way to do this is to pretend that you have selected a ball, selected a club and are ready to go. Follow the normal pre-shot routine you would if you were at the golf course. With club in hand approach the "ball" from behind, select your target line and step up to the imaginary ball. Go through the motion of a full swing, without a ball. Practising exactly what you have come to work on. Get feedback from the feeling in your hands, legs, club, takeaway, follow through and body. Repeat the exercise one more time without a ball.

If all feels right go ahead this time with a golf ball. Analyze the feedback and determine if the ball did what you intended. Make a mental or physical adjustment if required for the next shot.

Now look over at the cubicle next to you and you will see another player on his 7th ball. He is simply lashing away and getting rid of his bucket as if each ball has the plague!

Repeat the process for each of the 50 balls in your bucket. After about the 10th or 12th ball the neighbor in the next cubicle will have been replaced with a new machine gunner. Do not let this worry you.

With each ball in your bucket go through the routine you would on a golf course and have at least 2 practice swings for each ball that you hit.

By doing this you will have had 150 practice swings, each with a particular purpose in mind. It should take you about an hour and you should have had at least 3 different neighbors during this time - if not you may have gone too fast.

You will probably also find that you will be a bit more exhausted than you normally would be after lashing 100 balls in double quick time.

Slow down, practice with a purpose and enjoy the experience. You will find that practice sessions become beneficial.

You are welcome to reproduce this article provided you do not change anything including my bio box.

As a qualified EGTF golf professional teacher I get great pleasure in helping people improve their game. Why not head over to Better Golfing and take up my challenge to reduce your golf handicap by 25% within 6 weeks?

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American Consumers Are Short on Discipline When it Comes to Parting With Their Income

Like a 4-year-old child at the checkout counter in a supermarket, American consumers want just one more impulse buy to make their buying day complete, and apparently the more expensive it is, the better.

Here is an example: A 68-year-old, semi-retired businessman shells out $600,000 for a recreational vehicle which costs about $550 to top off at the pump. He and his wife are tooling around the country in an effort to have fun while they can.

His comment on the decision is that "This isn't a dress rehearsal for lifethis is it. We're curtailing nothing." Those big tears you see following his comment might well come from any children who see their inheritance fading away into the sunset with dad and mom.

Like a dog in heat, if we have it we tend to spend it in America.

All of this impulse buying is detailed in a recent USA Today article with this headline: "Spending is hotter than the 4th of july". And indeed it apparently is.

Although the median amount of credit-card debt carried by the typical American is about $6,600 (this is not a typo), 13% of respondents in a recent online poll reported balances higher than $25,000, according to

"Never have Americans, who have always liked their toys, been faced with a situation where their impulses are so hard to control," says Stuart Vyse, a professor of psychology and author of the upcoming book Going Broke: Why Americans Can't Hold on to their Money.

The fact is that we as consumers can buy almost anything we want anytime we want on the easiest terms we want. Sellers and lenders have no compunctions about selling us what we do not need at a price we cannot afford and at a rate of payment that can eventually drive us into bankruptcy.

Sellers and lenders, especially credit card lenders, have raised this willingness to line their pockets at our expense to an art form. And yes, I understand and agree with the observation that we all need to be responsible for our actions.

What I do disagree with is this: How can doing the right thing with right thinking and right motives justify lending consumers money and credit when they do not deserve it, and then leaving them no smarter but broker and deeper in debt in the process?

All of this unmerited lending is creating and concentrating wealth among America's very rich, and the rich club in America is growing faster and farther away from America's poor and middle classes.

"For the first time in history, more than half of all earned income, specifically 50.4%, is going to 20% of the U. S. population, which amounts to $3.5 trillion in the hands of 23 million households," says Peter Francese, a demographic trends analyst for ad and marketing giant Ogilvy & Mather.

So more than half of the earned income in America is going to 20% of the population, leaving the other half to 80% of the working stiffs that are left to continue buying things they do not need at prices they cannot afford on credit.

A key component of this impulse spending happens because too many Americans think they can afford it when they cannot.

Families are less frugal today, in part because only 25% of households have married couples with children, a significant drop from 50% in 1960 and the lowest percentage in census history. We have a census procedure in this country to learn these kinds of sociological shifts.

There are more working couples without children who have more disposable income and keep spending rather than realizing their good fortune and saving. Leading the spending spree are the seniors mentioned at the beginning of this article.

Seniors have so much spendable income that a Luxury Marketing Council has been created to advise top brands on consumer trends for a growing group of seniors that have at least $1 million in liquid assets. They do not need to sell their home to buy a $125,000 Maserati, they simply write a check out of one of their accounts.

I personally would not encourage this kind of spending among any consumers, and especially on an automobile which is a decreasing asset. If you cannot control your impulse to buy, at least buy land or developed properties that might well appreciate over time.

The USA Today article carried information by Pitney Bowes MapInfo which identified the Top 20 Counties nationwide with the highest average expenditures annually per household. Here are the Top 7:

1) Marin, CA - $68,782

2) Fairfield, CT - $65,263

3) Fairfax, VA - $63,569

4) San Mateo, CA - $63,229

5) Morris, NJ - $62,995

6) Somerset, NJ - $62,345

7) Westchester, NY - $61,425

I identify these counties as "high rent districts" which are too expensive for most people to buy a home. One thing is for sure, if you do not make some major money, you are not going to be able to keep up with those earners who can.

Not all of us suffer from this apparent impulse to buy.

The answer to impulse control just might be in yoga. Yoga taught me "impulse control", the ability to feel an urge and delay acting on it. Yoga also taught me that when stability becomes a habit, maturity and clarity follow.

While earning money has a way of increasing financial intelligence quickly, I learned a long time ago that a fool and his money are some parted.

I will keep the $125,000 and you can have the Maserati. I will keep the $600,000 and you can have the recreational vehicle. Eventually, cash is king; the car and the recreational vehicle will eventually end up in the junkyard with a lot of other impulse purchases.

Copyright 2007 Ed Bagley

Ed Bagley is the Author of Ed Bagley's blog which he Publishes with Original Articles on Current and Past Events, including Analysis and Commentary on Lessons in Life, Movies, Sports, Internet Marketing, Jobs and Careers that are intended to Delight, Inform, Educate and Motivate Readers. Visit Ed at . . .

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