Wednesday, December 19, 2007

2 Tips To Improve Your Golf Swing In A Hurry!

So you want to improve your golf swing? It's one aspect of the game common with many golfers keen to attain a golf swing good enough to form the foundation of a consistent game.

The honest truth... most part time golfers won't do anything about improving their golf swing simply because they enjoy the outing and the social aspect of the game. But if you are reading this article, then you are certainly serious about picking up a tip or two to help develop some consistency in that swing.

Why is it so many players have difficulty maintaining a consistent swing? For new players, the ability to eliminate bad habits from their game is easy.

For more experienced golfers it's not so easy but it's doable. one tip I picked up early in my golfing career when I was having trouble with my back swing certainly transformed and helped me improve my golf swing.

In fact, this one tip not only helped me eliminate the unco-ordinated knees and falling shoulders during the process of the swing but helped me add a strong mental side to my game.

How To Improve Your Golf swing

The back swing is a big problem area for many players and most of the time it can be corrected without too much fuss and effort. For some reason, the left knee is allowed to collapse on top of the right knee during the back swing process. The result:

- the shoulders tend to collapse and drop in the process and

- your hips will tend to go into a swaying motion

What's up with this? The result is always hit and miss. Sometimes you hit the ball flush and most times you don't. Two things you can try:

- when about to play the swing, just imagine your left knee is drawn towards the area you intend to hit the ball and

- if this is difficult to implement, grab your favorite soccer ball or basketball and place them between your knees during practice sessions.

The first tip was handy but it was the second tip which helped this author. It's amazing but after several practice sessions using a soccer ball, every time I played a round of golf for several months after it felt like that ball was always there during the swing process.

The effect can be dramatic and worth the effort if you are serious about wanting to improve your golf swing.

Want to take your golf swing to the next level? Get these great tips and tricks guaranteed to improving your golf swing and eating up your handicap!

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